Annar dagurin á ferðini fór við tveimum skrímslaverkstovunum á Bókamessuni í Klaipeda og gongutúri og savnsvitjanum í Klaipeda.
The second day of the trip went with two monster workshops for children at Klaipeda’s book fair, walk and museum visits in the city.
- Við hjálp frá dugnaliga tolkinum Elzbieta Kmitaite lósu vit littavisku umsetinga av Nei, segði lítla skrímsl (Mažasis Pabaisiukas sako NE!). / With the help of the skilled translator Elzbieta Kmitaite we read the Lithuanian version of No, said little monster.
- Síðani fór fyrsti flokkurin av børnum í gongd við skrímslaverkstovuna. / Then the first class of children began the monster workshop.
- Tey vóru smá, men full av hugskotum. / They were young, but full of ideas.
- Næsti flokkur varr eitt sindur eldri, men tey skaptu eisini frálík skrímsl / The next class was a bit older, but they also created nice monsters.
- Í sama bygningi var Bókamessan í Klaipeda / Klaipeda Book Fair was int he same building.
- Aftaná verkstovunar vitjaðu við Klokkusavnið. / After the workshops we wisited the Clock Museum.
- Ein løgin tanki, men tað var sum tíðin hevði staðið í stað leingi / 65/5000 A strange thought, but it was as if time had stood still for a long time
- Ótrúliga vinarligu vertir míni í Littava: Elzbieta Kmitaite, umsetari og tolkur og Brigita Urmanaitė, frá skrivstovuni hjá Norðurlandaráðnum í Littava. / My incredibly friendly hosts in Lithuania: Elzbieta Kmitaite, translator and interpreter, and Brigita Urmanaitė, from the Nordic Council of Ministers office in Lithuania
- Tíðin tykist vera høvuðsevni hendan spákingartúrin í Klaipeda. Listaframsýningin var eisini um tíðarmátingar. / Time was the main theme of this walk in Klaipeda, even the art exhibition was about time measurements.
- Hesi pinkugallaríini vóru hesa áhugaverd, har var ein heilur veggur av teimum. / These mini galleries were facinating, there was a whole wall of them.
- Rundu verkini fingu eina heilt aðra dýbd við frágreiðingini um, at hetta vóru kagar í fongsulshurðum. / The round works got a completely different dimension with explanation that these were peepholes to prisons doors.
Her er lýsing av Bókamessuni í Klaipeda: / Here are some informations on Klaipeda Book Fair:
“Klaipėda County Public I. Simonaitytė library and Lithuanian small and medium-sized publishers’ association invite Klaipėda residents and guests of the city to the Klaipėda Book Fair, October 1–3.
At the fair, LCC International University library offers a unique opportunity to purchase scientific as well as fiction literature in English for your reading collection.
Visitors will be able to participate in newest book presentations, film screenings, and concerts, discussions with representatives of publishing houses and meetings with book authors.”
Her er eitt sindur um óvanliga Klokkusavnið: / Here are a little information about the curious Clock and Watch Museum:
Klaipeda Clocks Museum was opened 27 July 1984. The history of the building comes back to the 19th century. Klaipeda traders started to build their residences in the outskirts at that time. The idea of establishing Clock and Watch Museum was born not accidentally. The first exhibition of ancient clocks and watches was opened Klaipeda Art Gallery in 1977. It was formed with the help of Vytautas Jakelaitis, Dionyzas Varkalis and other Klaipeda collectors. The exhibition interested the citizens of Klaipeda and the guests very much. In 1979 the Clock and Watch Museum was established on the on initiative of Pranas Gudynas and Romualdas Budrys, the leaders of Lithuanian Art Museum. It became the branch of Lithuanian Art Museum. The exhibition was supplemented and completed by clocks and watches from Art Museum. The clocks and watches of the end of the 19th, the beginning of the 20th century made the basic part of the exhibition.The Clock and Watch Museum consists of three parts: development of clock and watch constructions; development of clock and watch-making styles.
HER ber til at síggja meira um áhugaverdu framsýningina “CHRONOMETRAI“. / HERE are some more information about the interesting exhibition “CHRONOMETRAI”
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