Seint í september hevði Nólsoyar skúli leygardagsskúla. Hetta er ein dagur, har skúlabørnini hava foreldrini við í skúla og gera ymiskt skapandi saman. Hendan 29. september var dukkuleikverkstova á skránni. Tey høvdu biðið undirritaðu um at koma og leggja lag á.
Húskini arbeiddu saman um hvør sítt ævintýr og burturúr ruski, ítrivstilfar og hugflogi, skaptu tey bæði leikara, leikhús og leik. Dagurin endaði við framførslum.
Her eru nakrar løtur frá degnum:
In late September, the school in Nólsoyar had a Saturday school. It’s a day when the students bring their parents at school and they have different creative activities. This September 29th they were to woork with puppet theater. Yours truely had been asked to teach in a small puppet theater workshop.
The families worked together each on their fairy-tale. They made both puppets, stage and plays out of different hobby material, garbage and imagination. The day ended with performances.
Here are some moments from the successful day: