Veiða vind í London / Catch the Wind in London

Uppslag úr Veiða vind

Tann 27. januar er ein stórhending fyri føroyskan klassiskan tónleik og fyri føroyskar bókmentir: Tónleikaævintýrið Veiða vind eftir Kára Bæk (tónleikur), Rakel Helmsdal (søga) og Janus á Húsagarði (myndir) verður framført í The Barbican Hall í London og tey, sum framføra, eru ongi minni enn London Symphony Orcestra!

At fáa fótin inn um í Bretlandi er alt annað enn lætt, serliga innan bókmentir, tí har verður so lítið útgivið av umsettum bókum, ikki meira enn 4 % av øllum teirra bókmentum eru umsettar frá øðrum málum og harav eru 2 % yrkisbøkur. Tí er tað stuttligt at sleppa inn í eitt mál gjøgnum tónleikin í staðin. Enn er ongin avtala um útgávu av bókini, men hvør veit, um tað kanska fer at bera til einaferð?

Hetta er ikki fyrsta uttanlandaferð hjá Veiða vind. Í 2013 spæli íslendska symfoniorkestri søguna í Hørpu og hevur spælt hana fleiri ferðir síðani.

Eg fari so á konsert! London here I come…

On January the 27th there is going to be a special event for Faroes classical music and Faroese literature: The musical fairy-tale Catch the Wind by Kári Bæk (music), Rakel Helmsdal (text) and Janus á Húsagarði (illustrations) is going to be performed in The Barbican Hall in London, and the performers are going to be no less than The London Symphony Orchestra!

To get into Britain with literature is not easy, because they publish very few translated books, not more than 4 & of all publications are translations and of the 2 % are fiction. Therefore, it’s so funny to get into English the musical way instead. At the moment there is no plans for publishing of the book, but who know in the future?

This is not the first voyage of Catch the Wind. In 2013 the Icelandic Symphony Orcestra played it in the Harpa Music Hall in Reykjavík, Iceland and have played it several times since.

This is what they are writing on the consert at the Barbican:

“Our music and stories hail from the sparkling skies and icy mountains of northern lands, including Catch the Wind/Veiða vind – a tale of elves and dragons by author Rakel Helmsdal, all the way from the Faroe Islands.”

Anyway, I’m going to the concert! London, here I come…

If you want to go too, you can buy thickets HERE. 🙂

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2 Responses to Veiða vind í London / Catch the Wind in London

  1. Fantastisk! Hvor flot! Tillykke kære Rakel! 😊

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