Kann eg læna tínar dreymar?

Hevur tú hug at vera partur av eini skaldsøgu? So læn mær tínar dreymar. Tú verður ikki nevnd/ur í skaldsøguni, men partar av tínum dreymum kunnu verða nýttir í tekstinum. Tú ert tann einasti/a, sum fer at kenna teir aftur.
Eg leiti eftir dreymum av øllum slagi. Sjálvandi brúki eg mínar egnu, men eg vil fegin hava dreymar av heilt ymiskum sløgum, tí dreymar eru eins fjølbroyttir og vit menniskju.
G.G.: Hetta snýr seg á ongan hátt um at tulka dreymarnar hjá tær, eg trúgvi ikki uppá at tulka dreymar. Eg haldi, dreymar eru kortslutningar í heilanum og kunnu tí als ikki tulkast, bara upplivast. Mær nýtist bara frásøgnina.
Skriva ein ella fleiri dreymar niður og send teir til mín á Facebook Messenger ella á rakel.helmsdal@gmail.com. Hugsa ikki um, hvussu tú orðar teg og stavar; eg brúki onki av tí orðarætt.
Um tú vilt, kann eg nevna teg í eftirmælinum á skaldsøguni, men eg fari ongantíð at avdúka, hvør eigur hvønn dreym uttan at tú hevur áhuga í tí.
P.S. Vit droyma øll, eisini tey, sum siga seg ongantíð droyma, hvørja nátt, alt lívið. Hesum kanst tú hyggja at, um tú hevur ringt við at minnast tínar dreymar:
- https://www.learning-mind.com/8-tips-on-how-to-remember-dreams/
- https://www.luciddreamsociety.com/how-to-remember-your-dreams/
- https://www.wikihow.com/Remember-Dreams

Can I Borrow Your Dreams?
Would you like to be part of a novel? Then lend me your dreams. You are not going to be mentioned personally in the novel, but pieces of your dreams might be used in the text. You will be the only one to recognise them.
I am looking for all kind of dreams. I am of cause using my own, but I would like to have dreams of all kinds, as dreams are as different as people.
Attention: This is not about analysing your dreams; I do not believe in dream analyses. I think dreams are short circuits in your brain and can be analysed, only experienced. I only need the narrative.
Write down a dream or more and send them to me on Facebook Messenger or rakel.helmsdal@gmail.com. Do not mind your language or spelling, I am not going to use them directly in the novel.
If you would like, I can mention you in the postscript, but I am only going to reveal the owner of the dreams, if they wish too.
P.S. We do all dream, also those who say that they do not dream, every night, all our lives. If you have difficulties remembering dreams, you can read these articles: