Milliónir av lívum / A Million Lives

Í november gav felagsskapurin Green Renaissance út ein lítlan heimildarfilm um meg sum rithøvunda og skapandi listafólk.

Green Renaissance er ein almannagagnligur felagsskapur, sum ger heimildarfilmar um fólk kring allan heim. Felags fyri fólkini, tey velja, er, at hetta eru eldhugaði menniskju, sum hava nakað at siga á onkran hátt. Eg eri sera takksom fyri at hava havt møguleika at hitta hesi eldhugaðu filmsfólkini og filma saman við teimum ein heilan dag.

In November the non-profit organisation Green Renaissance released a little documentary on me as artist and author.

Green Renaissance makes documentaries on people all around the world. Common to these people is that they are all deeply passionate and have something to tell. I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with them a whole day.

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