Tann 19. september kom stuttsøgusavnið Miljuløtur út alment. Hetta hendi á hugnaligari bókaløtu á Sunda Bókasavni í samband við Mentanarviku í Sunda kommunu.
Nógv børn vóru komin at lurtað, tá høvundurin læs upp úr løtunum hjá Milju Aura.
Forlagið sigur um bókina:

Mynd til søguna: “Fimm mans til eina kvartett” / Illustration for the story “Five to a quartet”.
“Bókin er um gentuna Milju, sum greiðir frá sínum upplivilsum og tonkum um sín gerandisdag. Milja er á mangan hátt uppi í tí sama sum onnur børn, men munurin er, at hon sleppur at greiða frá sínum upplivingum, so at vit sita sum á nálum: Hvussu endar tað, tá hon er innikavað hjá aðrari familju jólaftan, sleppur hon heim? Fáa tey pápan leysan, sum er dottin í eitt djúpt hol, tá ið tey eru farin við honum at leypa skalv? Og eru ufo’ar til?
Milja er eitt av hesum børnunum, sum leggur sær hendingar í geyma, sum hugsar um tingini, og Rakel megnar at fáa júst hesa lýsingina fram av gentuni.
Bókin er vakurt myndprýdd. Hon, ið eigur æruna, er Kathrina Skarðsá. Myndir og tekstur fylla hvørt annað út, so tú fært eina spennandi lýsing av Milju og vinkonuni Jelenu.”
September 19 was the official release of the short stories collection “Miljuløtur” (Miljas Moments). This happened at a cosy book event in the library of Sund, at the Sunda Kommuna Cultural Week.
Quite a lot of children came to the event to listen to the authors reading of some of Milja Auras moments.
Publishers note about the book:
“The book is about the girl Milja, who tells about her adventures and thoughts from her everyday life. Milja is in many ways like other children, but the difference is, that she is given the opportunity to tell about her experiences, so the reader is captured: What happens when she is snowed in with another family on Christmas Eve? How do they rescue her father when he falls into a deep hole when they are out playing in the snow? Do UFO’s exist?
Milja is one these children, that remember the things happening and ponders upon them and Rakel Helmsdal manages to depict her exactly.
The book is beautifully illustrated. The credit of this has Kathrina Skarðsá. Illustrations and text give each other room, so you get an interesting picture of Milja and her friend Jelena.”